Thursday, April 2, 2015

Barack Obama, Magician

"Great liars are also great magicians."
Barack Obama wants you to believe he is negotiating with Iran about nukes.  Pick up a paper, watch a news show, listen to the radio, wherever you are in the world, you will be told about an historic negotiation going on with the P5+1 talks, and it's all about Iran's nuclear program.

Truth is, these talks are nothing more than cover for lifting sanctions on Iran, many of which were preemptively lifted before the talks started.  The talks are Kabuki theatre, a magic trick, to distract you from seeing what's really going on.  This is a trade deal with the world's number one state sponsor of terrorism - a rogue nation bent on bringing about nuclear armageddon, wiping Israel off the map, and achieving regional Shiite hegemony.

If you have any doubts about whether or not this is about nukes, I advise you to read Dan Henninger's piece in The Wall Street Journal, "Why the Iran Deal is Irrelevant" from 4/2.   Mr Henninger chronicles the parallels between North Korea and Iran and the pursuit of nukes.  Iran cannot be stopped by talking.  Everyone knows this.  Talking had zero effect on North Korea over three presidencies.  Sanctions, and the perception that force is an option, are the only way to prevent a rogue nation from acquiring nukes.

Not only has Obama lifted sanctions and taken the threat of force off the table, he is guaranteeing Iran the right to spin centrifuges, enrich uranium, and follow through on their promise to nuke Israel off the map.  This trade deal does nothing but make Iran richer and accelerate their ability to achieve these goals.

Barack Hussein Obama, peace be upon him, apparently shares these goals.

Incidentally, the quote at the top is often credited to Adolf Hitler.  

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

RFRA Hypocrisy

This whole #RFRA/Indiana kerfuffle is more blatant hypocrisy from gays and the left.   These people present themselves as paragons of tolerance and acceptance, while claiming anyone with beliefs at odds with theirs is a hater and a bigot.  Remember how the left mocked Mitt Romney and made an issue over polygamy in Mormon history?  I'll never forget the left's intolerance and bigotry toward Mormons during the last election.  That bigotry now extends to just about every religious person.  (Except Muslims, of course, which they are too cowardly to openly oppose.)  When the left gets all worked up about something like this #RFRA business, they are just exposing their hypocrisy and bigotry.

(I call the above symbol, The Utah Marriage Equality Symbol.   It strikes me as hypocritical to sanction gay marriage while discriminating against consensual adult polygamy, as the left, and most gays, currently do.  Opponents to gay marriage are at least consistent when they say "one man, one woman.")  

Monday, March 30, 2015

What does Obama know that you don't?

Turns out, Hawaii is about as far as you can get from Iran, still be dry, and remain in the Northern hemisphere.   

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ted Cruz is Awesome! V

Yesterday, Ted Cruz (insert lefty and pop media laugh track here) announced he is running for president.  He spoke at Jerry Falwell's Liberty University (insert secularist laugh track here) and gave a rousing, conservative, (insert establishment GOP laugh track here) thirty minute off-the-cuff speech (insert teleprompter apologist laugh track here).  There was no equivocation, vague hedging, weasel words, or doubt about what he would fight for with every fiber of his being (insert special interest and lobbyist laugh track here).

I hope Ted Cruz is successful in going direct to the people.  There just may be enough serious Americans who have their eyes open and cannot be convinced by a phony laugh track.

Here are links to the other four in the series:

Ted Cruz is Awesome! I  (Cruz takes on DiFi)

Ted Cruz is Awesome! II (Cruz takes on ObamaCare)

Ted Cruz is Awesome! III (Cruz is proven right for taking on ObamaCare)

Ted Cruz is Awesome! IV  (Cruz takes on Arab bigots)


Friday, March 20, 2015

Netanyahu Derangement Syndrome

It's one thing for Barack Obama, peace be upon him, to deliberately misstate Netanyahu's position on a Palestinian state.  It's another thing entirely for the entire US media to fall in lock step with Obama's deception.  Today's Wall Street Journal front page story is just the latest example: "Netanyahu Reverses on Statehood Again".

Obama's reason is simple.  He's been stabbing Israel in the back all along.  By misstating Netanyahu's position, he is trying to provide cover for his upcoming treachery against Israel, with Iran and at the UN.   Why the media goes along with this is not as clear.    

Thursday, March 19, 2015

EXCLUSIVE! An Open Letter to Barack Obama from Bibi Netanyahu

(I have amazing sources in Israel and have been given exclusive access to this letter from Bibi to Barack:)

Dear Mr. President,

Now that the Israeli election is behind us, there are a world of possibilities in front of us.  I believe we both agree that it is our duty as our nation's respective leaders to choose the path which best leads to peace domestically and abroad.  Towards that end, I would like to discuss an idea about which much has been made of late:  a two state solution.

As has been reported, I did indicate that a two state solution will not arise during my term.  What was not reported was that this was within the context of the last few years experience.  The Palestinians have been in a constant state of war with my country and continue to deny our right to exist.  There can be no two state solution between Israel and the Palestinians without two peaceful partners willing to coexist.

But there is another path to a two state solution.  Allow me to explain.  

I have a unique proposal that will once and for all put and end to this conflict.  I know I can trust you and the American people to hear me out and give this some careful thought.  If we agree that peace is the desired outcome, and that neither side has been able to secure it after all these years, we must try something new.  Doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome is the very definition of insanity, right? 

Let’s look at some of the elements we can all agree on before getting into the specifics: 

  1. Both sides believe their positions are correct, justified, and worth defending. 
  2. One side has the military might and the other suffers disproportionately. 
  3. Both sides would like to exist and govern themselves in a manner to their liking. 
  4. The international community, including the US, has long thought that “land for peace” is the appropriate solution.

In light of the above, I do recommend swapping land to allow those without a country to establish their own self-governed nation.  They would be free to establish their own government, their own bill of rights, and their own laws.   They would be free to arm and defend themselves,  trade with other nations, and produce and export what they choose. We may not agree with how they treat others, what they disseminate, or what their Sharia laws say, but it would be their country, ruled by them, sovereign, free, and independent.

The key Mr. President is you.  You've said that you've got a pen and a phone.  The American people have granted you the power to act unilaterally on whatever you choose.  Whether that be healthcare, immigration, the IRS, internet regulation, prisoner swaps, etc., you have proven you do not need bi-partisan approval to achieve your goals.  Mr. President, you can singlehandedly establish a two state solution with just your pen and your phone!

Here's my plan:

I have done some research and found that your home state of Illinois is the most Muslim state in the US.  Therefore, I believe Illinois would be the perfect place to establish the new Islamic Caliphate, or “ISIL” (The Islamic State of Illinois)!  

If ISIL (The Islamic State of Illinois) were to adopt your own immigration policies, The Palestinians, al Qaeda, ISIS, The Taliban, Ansar al-Sharia, Hezbollah, The Muslim Brotherhood, etc., would all immigrate to the new nation of ISIL.  Not only would this bring lasting peace to the Mid East, but the conflict between America and the Jihadis would finally be over.   Imagine ISIS, al Qaeda, and America living side-by-side in peace!

All it would take is a simple trade of land for peace, which you can do today with your pen and your phone.   Join me Mr. President in this elegant two state solution.  Together we can stop the unnecessary fighting between America and the Jihadis once and for all.

Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister, Israel

P.S.  A majority of The UN has already seen this proposal and endorsed it.  You must use your pen and phone quickly if the US hopes to remain among the community of nations!

P.P.S.  I also believe that Khalid Sheik Muhammad, the political prisoner currently in your custody, should be freed at once like Nelson Mandela.   KSM would then lead the new nation of ISIL!  Moreover, I have taken the liberty to nominate KSM to the Nobel Committee for consideration for the Peace Prize.  As expected, they are onboard 100%.

P.P.S.S.  My understanding is that Illinois is currently bankrupt, so this plan is actually a threefer. Not only will it bring a two state solution and peace to the world, it's also a stimulus plan for your home state!    

Monday, March 16, 2015

P5+1= Death to Israel

Who are the P5+1?  P5+1 refers to the six countries currently trying to remove sanctions on Iran, while trying not to appear like they're signing Israel's death warrant.  The US, China, Russia, UK, and France are the P5, or five permanent members of the UN Security Council.   Germany is the +1.  In Europe they are referred to as the EU3+3.  The EU3 are Germany, UK, and France.  The +3 are US, China, and Russia.

But no matter how you slice it, five of the P5+1 countries are in this for one reason and one reason only:  money.  All except the US are the major trading partners of Iran.  Moreover, all are experiencing economic challenges.  Lifting sanctions on Iran would be a guaranteed boost.  Do you think these countries are concerned that Iran has vowed to wipe Israel off the map and is the world's number one sponsor of terrorism?  (Remember, even in the UK, the most common name for baby boys is... Muhammad.)  

So, what are the US interests in all this? Um, there are none.   Lifting sanctions on Iran and giving them legitimacy to pursue a nuclear bomb is just something Barack Hussein Obama really, really, wants to do.  Is he concerned that it would endanger Israel with an atomic holocaust?  The only thing that might concern Obama is if his party lost some votes as a result.  But Obama knows American Jews will still vote Democrat, because they are liberals first.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Kinetic Islam Déjà vu

In March of 2001, Mullah Omar and the Taliban destroyed two 1700 year-old stone Buddahs in Afghanistan.  One of them stood 165 feet tall.  At the time, few westerners understood that act.  Six months later when the twin towers of The World Trade Center were destroyed, we all got an education in how kinetic Islam feels about infidel idols and symbols. 

Fast forward to today, and the exact same thing is happening in Iraq.  Islamic State, or ISIS, or ISIL, is summarily destroying ancient churches, statues, artwork, and symbols of the infidels.  This time we have some perspective on why this behavior is occurring – Islam, or at least a fundamental interpretation of Islam, leads its followers to destroy these symbols.  Turns out the Quran, like the Old and New Testaments, contains a fair amount of idol destruction.  The difference is, Christians and Jews do not go about re-enacting these verses from the early days of monotheism.  Muslims do, particularly the kinetic radical fundamental type. 

What scares me is the timing of all this.  Six months after the Buddahs came down, we got 9/11.  I hope kinetic Islam has a different schedule this time.