Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Victor Davis Hanson - "Regime Change by Any Other Name?"

I rarely reprint someone else's piece in full, but this one's worth it.  (Follow the link to read it in it's original splendor.)    
Regime Change by Any Other Name?
Truth or consequences? Obama skated for far worse misdeeds.
By Victor Davis Hanson — May 22, 2017

Monday, April 3, 2017

Did Obama Go Full Nixon On Trump?

To paraphrase the Robert Downey Jr. character in "Tropic Thunder", "Never go full Nixon!"

Apparently, it was Susan Rice, Barack Obama's National Security Advisor, who illegally unmasked members of the Trump team, most likely in an attempt to do them political harm.  According to the Chairman of the House Intel Committee, this intel had noting to do with Russia.  Therefore, it probably had nothing to do with national security or Susan Rice's job.  Ergo, it was Obama.

The real story is that it wasn't the Russians, but Barack Obama who tried to hack the election, the transition, and the new administration.  This is looking more and more like an attempted coup d'etat.

If this stands up to scrutiny, it makes Nixon look like a piker.

Reminder:  After Donald Trump tweeted that Barack Obama had his ""wires tapped"", Barack Obama's response DID NOT DENY that Trump's wires had been tapped, only that he hadn't ordered it!
A cardinal rule of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.
                                                       Barack Obama's response to Trump's accusation of "wire tapping"

Translation:  It wasn't me who wiretapped you; it was Loretta Lynch.  You know, the grandmother who met on the tarmac with grandpa Bill Clinton to discuss their grandchildren in the midst of a DOJ/FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton?

Of course, there is no need to ever perform a wiretap in the modern world, because all communications are recorded by the NSA.  Unmasking and leaking the names of U.S. citizens, then, becomes the issue and the crime.  

Curiously, a short time after Trump's tweet in early March, Barack Obama decamped to a private island in French Polynesia without his family.  He's still there.  I doubt the U.S. has an extradition treaty with this private island.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Did Obama Bug Trump Tower?

According to several sources, including a piece in the Guardian from January 11, the Obama DOJ (FBI) did attempt to obtain FISA warrants to bug Trump associates.  Here's the paragraph:

The Guardian has learned that the FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (Fisa) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The Fisa court turned down the application asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus. According to one report, the FBI was finally granted a warrant in October, but that has not been confirmed, and it is not clear whether any warrant led to a full investigation.

Once again Trump is most likely right.

Was this justified or just a ruse to gain compromising information? If the FBI has proof Trump is a Russian agent and is doing Putin's bidding, why keep it secret?   Why allow Trump to set-up a rogue government just to have it all scrapped as he's hauled off to prison for treason?  

And once again James Comey has a lot to explain. 

UPDATE: In addition to the above, the New York Times, no ally of Trump's, reported on January 20th about "wiretaps" which grabbed information on Trump associates.  (UPDATE 3/9: The Times has changed their headline online to better fit their current narrative.  Haha. Hat tip to Andrew McCarthy who has been unequaled in his commentary on all this.) 

But all the evidence of eavesdropping notwithstanding, it is probably besides the point. Trumps tweet about Barack Obama wiretapping him is brilliant on several levels:  

  • Right before Trump's tweet, Reince Priebus had approached James Comey and asked him to state publicly what he was already saying privately, that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia.  Comey turned him down flatly saying the FBI doesn't get involved in political arguments.  Then Trump tweets, and Comey IMMEDIATELY denies any wiretapping by Obama!  Trump smoked him out, uncovered his hypocrisy, and now knows which side his FBI director is on. 
  • Leaks of wiretapped phone calls and private conversations have been dogging Trump since day one.  Now that he has implicated Barack Obama, the price for leaking has gone up exponentially for the left.  Any new leaks further implicate Barack Obama who doesn't want anyone, much less a special prosecutor, digging into his business.  
  • Note that Obama's response to Trump's tweet did not deny any wiretapping!  He just denied ordering it, and laid the blame on Loretta Lynch and the DOJ.  (Side note: Loretta Lynch has been calling for violent insurrection against Trump lately.  See here.)
  • Democrats have been spun-up calling for congressional investigations, independent prosecutors, and media investigators to look into the dubious claims of Russia collusion in the Trump campaign.  Now the playing field is level and both claims must be taken equally seriously.  Guess which side has more exposure now?           


Sunday, March 5, 2017

Obamagate Wiretap Update

Barack Obama's response to the allegation that he wiretapped the Trump campaign is curious for three reasons.  Here's the response:
A cardinal rule of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.
First, he does not deny the wiretap.
Second, the only thing he does deny is ordering it, which is not surprising because only a FISA judge can order one.
Third, he attributes the wiretap to the DOJ, which of course is Loretta Lynch who famously met on the tarmac with Bill Clinton during the campaign.

The Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting occurred on June, 26th.  Also occurring in June (exact date unknown at this time) was the initial FISA wiretap request, which was reportedly turned down.  It was rewritten and resubmitted in October when it was alleged to have been approved.    

There are two possible outcomes to all this:

1.  Donald Trump has some kind of concerning relationship with Russia - as agent, dupe, pawn, etc. 
2.  Barack Obama used fake Russia charges to spy-on and sabotage Trump and his administration.

So, if number two is true, why use Russia?
Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.        
                                                                                       Saul Alinsky, "Rules for Radicals"

Whenever I'm puzzled by something Obama does, I always find an answer in the teachings of Saul Alinsky.  In the above rule from "Rules for Radicals", Alinsky is recommending a kind-of Judo strategy.  In other words, use your opponents inertia against him.

In the 2012 debate with Mitt Romney, where Romney fingered Russia as the #1 geopolitical foe of the U.S., Obama famously snarked that the "1980s called and want their foreign policy back."  By using Russia, Obama and the Democrats know that a certain number of Republicans will forgive any transgressions and even go along with things like wiretaps because, hey, it's Russia.  Of course we should wiretap and investigate anyone colluding with those nasty Russians, they'd say!  Couldn't you see Barack Obama calling Mitt Romney as a character witness during his trial?

All I know is this:  the deeper you dig, the "curiouser" this gets.  And as long as the Democrats and their media outlets keep using the Russia smear to effectively undermine Trump and his agenda, this isn't going away.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Will The Real Hitler Please Stand Up?

SEEN ON FACEBOOK: “While everyone was banging on about Trump being Hitler, Obama sent thousands of troops into Poland. The satire is writing itself these days.”  
(as per Glenn Reynolds at  

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Trump vs Obama's Legacy

Caddyshack, as readers of this site know, is the perfect metaphor for Donald Trump and 2016.  In this scene, Al Czervik, the Donald Trump metaphor played by Rodney Dangerfield, deposes the captain, takes the yacht's helm, gets distracted, and runs over this random hapless guy out fishing.  Metaphor and comedy gold!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Voter Fraud Is So Massive You Can See It From Space!

States that Issue Driver's Licenses to Unauthorized Immigrants 

2106 Election Results Map

The two maps above amount to prima facie evidence of massive voter fraud in the 2016 election.  Of the 13 states and districts (including Washington D.C.) that issue drivers licenses to unauthorized immigrants, 12 of them voted Democrat. Only Utah bucked the trend, but that's because Utah requests a picture ID or equivalent, and the driver's license they issue to unauthorized immigrants is distinctly different from the one issued to citizens.

This occurred during a year when the Democrat candidate won only 21 states (including D.C.). 12 of the 21, or 57%, a clear majority, were the states that issue driver's licenses to unauthorized immigrants.  The odds of this being a coincidence are astronomical.

Only citizens are supposed to vote in national elections, but non-citizens are voting in such massive numbers you can see it from space!

This is not an accident.  Democrats have been on a decades long mission to encourage unauthorized immigrants to come here and vote. The reason is simple; immigrants overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

To further this along, Democrat President Bill Clinton signed a law in 1993 known as the Motor Voter bill, which basically automated voter registration for anyone who applied for a driver's license or other government benefit.  The problem, of course, is that unauthorized immigrants can obtain driver's licenses in the 13 states above.

Here's a picture of Bill Clinton signing the Motor Voter bill.  Notice the two people standing directly behind him?  They are Francis Fox Piven and  Richard Cloward in the green and grey respectively, two radical Columbia University professors who advocated collapsing the U.S. by overloading it with dependents and immigrants.

And here is Barack Obama, who studied at Columbia University while Cloward and Piven held court there, answering  a question with only one correct answer.   The question is essentially, "should illegals be afraid to vote?" His answer should have been, "they shouldn't vote because it's illegal".  That's not what he says though.  Watch:

Link: Here

So how many illegals and non-citizens voted in those 12 states? How many voted in all the other states? We'll never know because by Democrat design, when it comes to citizenship, voting is done almost exclusively on the honor system.

(This post is similar to, "Motor Voter and the Popular Vote", which was posted 12/1.)

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Caddyshack Election

If you are among the dazed and confused trying to understand how a boorish, showy, real-estate tycoon outsider just got elected President, I suggest you re-watch the classic 1980 snobs vs slobs comedy, "Caddyshack".

In "Caddyshack", Rodney Dangerfield plays Al Czervik, a boorish, showy, real-estate tycoon outsider who upsets the snobby establishment at a country club with the prophetic name, "Bushwood". The parallels between the movie and what just happened in the 2016 election are nothing short of astounding.  It's almost like the writers had a crystal ball and Donald Trump in mind when they created the Al Czervik character.

The central snob vs slob conflict is between the snobby Bushwood club president, Judge Smails played by Ted Knight, and the slobby outsider, Czervik, who is a guest at the club.

Dangerfield/Czervik trolls Knight/Smails relentlessly throughout the movie.  He gets under his skin by hurling insulting nicknames at him, breaking every club rule, mocking his fashion choices, and then finally by dropping anchor on his new yacht, "The Flying WASP".  As Smails is sobbing and watching his precious yacht sink, Czervik admonishes, "Hey, you scratched my anchor!"

In what may be the most relevant line of the movie, Czervik,  observing the "low-energy" music and dancing at Bushwood, blurts out, "Whaddaya say we bust up this joint?"  At which point he throws a handful of money at the bandstand, tells them to get some music lessons, and the place instantly transforms into a raucous disco.    

Smails assumes Czervik is visiting Bushwood to join the club, but Czervik has other ideas...

Smails - "You! You! You have worn out your welcome at Bushwood, Sir!
Czervik - "Is that so?  Who made you Pope of this dump?"
Smails - "Dump?  Bushwood a dump? Well, I'll guarantee you you'll never be a member here!"
Czervik - "Member? You think I'd join this crummy snobatorium?  This whole place sucks!
Smails - (stammering...)
Czervik - "That's right, it sucks!  Only reason I'm here is maybe I'll buy it!"
Smails -  "Buy bushwood!  Why you..."  (proceeds to try to strangle him)

Insulting comments about women abound.  "Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it!" "You're a lovely lady; you must have been something before electricity!" "Hey, you're a lot of woman; wanna make $14 dollars the hard way?" and  "He called me a baboon; thinks I'm his wife!"

In the only scene where Czervik is with a woman, she's a hot young blond in a tight red dress.

In another scene, after unabashedly farting loudly at the dinner table, Czervik has the whole table in hysterics saying, "That sounded like someone stepped on a duck!"

In just about every scene, Czervik is flaunting his wealth and generously tipping everyone he comes in contact with.  At one point he bribes the referee in the illicit golf tournament denouement.

He even brags about doing business with the Chinese. "We just bought property right behind the Great Wall; on the good side!"

This is not the first time a movie has been relevant to a political election.  Think about Barack Obama and "Blazing Saddles".  And then there was Ronald Reagan with "Knute Rockne, All American" and "Bedtime for Bonzo".

Of course there are limits to what we can learn about this election from a movie made in 1980.  But it is interesting that the most popular and enduring character from "Caddyshack" is Rodney Dangerfield's Al Czervik, the boorish, showy, real-estate tycoon outsider who upsets the snobby establishment.

My point is, if you are one of those disheartened souls in a funk over the outcome of this election, go watch "Caddyshack" and have a good laugh.  You might even learn why so many Americans took a chance on the outsider instead of opting for Mrs. Smails.

(Update: More parallels:   Mrs. Smails faints in the movie.  And Czervik only wins the denouement golf tournament after getting help from Danny Noonan (James Comey?), who turns on Smails. There's also an unlikely assist from Bill Murray's character whose pyrotechnics help sink the final putt (Julian Assange? Anthony Weiner?).)  

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Guess Who's Openly Encouraging Voter Fraud?

Behold the President of United States, under oath of office to "Preserve, Protect, and Defend The Constitution of The United States", as he openly encourages voter fraud.  The interviewer asks about voting while "undocumented", and Barack Obama unequivocally condones it.  He says, "If you want to vote... they can't stop you."  Then he repeats it so no one will misunderstand his message.  How is this not treason?  

Other than the fact that Obama is now stating this publicly, this strategy is nothing new.  In fact it goes back a half a century.

In 1966, Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven laid out a strategy to destroy the United States by overloading the system with dependents.  Barack Obama studied under Cloward and Piven as a student at Columbia University in the early 1980s.

But Obama was not their only pupil.  In 1993, Bill Clinton signed into law something called "The Motor Voter Law", which attached voter registration to drivers licenses and other unrelated government interactions.  The plan was to encourage illegals to register, after which it would be impossible to prevent them from voting.

Here is Bill Clinton signing the Motor Voter law with Cloward and Piven standing behind him. (Richard Cloward is in the light grey suit, and Francis Fox Piven is in the green coat.)    

Now do you understand why Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, want open borders and no voter ID?  

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Dear Democrats...

Dear Democrats,

Regardless of who we elect on Tuesday, this country is Humpty Dumpty...after the fall.   If you've been paying attention to the leaks gushing out of Washington just these last few days, you've become aware of gross corruption and malfeasance on the part of your party and candidate the likes of which have never been seen before. Meanwhile, the only alternative is in your eyes so deeply flawed that should he win, you will consider him illegitimate from day one.  As a country, we will be in pieces regardless.  Neither King Donald nor Queen Hillary, with all their horses and all their men, can ever put Humpty together again.

What we are witnessing is nothing short of the de-legitimization of the United States government, a condition that is unsustainable in a republic.   Since the founding of our country the losing side in Presidential elections always had a reasonable expectation that they would continue to be treated equally under the law.  That ship has sailed for huge segments of the population.

The danger of this is incalculable.  So, as we lie bleeding (figuratively) in the street, a nation torn apart, descending into perhaps permanent dissolution, I'd like to review some recent and illuminating history:

Richard Nixon, a Republican, resigned the presidency in the summer of 1974 under a cloud of scandal in what became known as Watergate.  The reason Nixon eventually resigned was that, despite his instinct to lie, deny, and run-out-the-clock, the "grey-beards" in his own party recognized his mendacity and showed him the door.

Shortly thereafter, today's Democrat party elders including the Clintons and Obamas were studiously absorbing a short book by Saul Alinsky called "Rules for Radicals".  It's a title which explains all you need to know about its contents.  "Rules for Radicals" accomplished two important things for the Democrats.  On a strategic level, it explained how "community organizers" could organize the unwitting masses into a radicalized army.  On a tactical level, it explained how to use that army to achieve radical redistributive ends.

Thus, when Bill Clinton's ship similarly ran aground on the shoals of numerous scandals - Whitewater, cattle futures, Rose Law Firm, FBI Filegate, Travelgate, Vince Foster, Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willy, Juanita Broaddrick, impeachment, disbarment, etc. -  there was an organized radicalized army to keep him afloat.  There were no "grey-beards" in the Democrat Party to show him the door.  They'd all been radicalized. The entire Democrat party, which includes just about everyone in pop-media, pop-culture, and academia, circled the wagons and went into full lie and deny mode.  Bill Clinton not only survived, he left office with a 65% approval rating.

But for Bill Clinton to succeed, the entire body of the Democrat party had to sell its soul. They all had to become radical accomplices.   It was an amazing thing to watch.

After Bill Clinton's success, the radicalization of the Democrat party only accelerated.  Thus, the hapless George W. Bush, inheriting two remnants of the Bill Clinton years - Osama bin Laden and subprime mortgages - ended up getting tarred by both.  Radicalized Democrats succeeded in turning Bush into a lying killer (Bush lied, people died!) who crashed the U.S. financial system.  (Before you get too excited, yes, Bush was the President during the financial collapse, but it was Bill Clinton who created the subprime mortgage industry as a radical redistribution scheme to benefit Democrat constituents.  See Clinton's changes to The Community Reinvestment Act and his "affordable housing" initiative.)  Bush left office with a dismal 35% approval rating.

Enter "Rules for Radicals" finest student, most committed acolyte, and our first "community organizer" President,  Barack Hussein Obama.  In Obama the radicalization of the Democrat party reached its apex.  Not only would he have the radicalized army Bill Clinton had, but he also had the imprimatur of being the historical first black president.  Barack Obama was untouchable and governed as a radical accordingly.  

Thus, Obamacare, which re-wrote one-sixth of the U.S. economy, was passed without a single Republican vote.  The IRS selectively targets conservatives with impunity.  Non-union and conservative-owned companies are openly persecuted by an alphabet soup of federal agencies. Conservative filmmakers are jailed, audited and harassed. $14.5 trillion dollars (new debt plus Fed) has been borrowed and given to Democrat constituents. Our borders are open to anyone willing to vote Democrat. Islamic terrorism is now routine.  Cops are being assassinated in the street at a historical rate.  Inner-city riots are routine.  The DOJ is openly politicized.  Our Defense Dept. is stretched thin and neglected.  And our U.S. Constitution lies in tatters.

And the Democrat Party cheered all this on.  But now, thanks to the leaks coming out of Washington, you are seeing firsthand the corruption and malfeasance you now own.  Unfortunately you created a situation with no good options this time around.

You see, Donald Trump is a natural response to the radicalization of the Democrat Party. For decades, Republicans stood by and watched gentleman Republicans like the two Bushs, John McCain, and Mitt Romney get chewed-up and spit-out by your radicalized army.  They've had enough.  So, this time the GOP broke tradition and nominated a radical of their own.

Now we are stuck with two horrible choices next Tuesday, and for at least the next four years the "consent of the governed", an essential ingredient for the legitimacy of any government, will be largely absent.  We will be in uncharted waters for the first time since 1860.

Vladimir Lenin referred to the radicalized unwitting dupes as "useful idiots".  With all due respect Democrats, this is you.  And this election with all its tawdry stink, is entirely of your own doing.

Now, get off my lawn.    





Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hillary's Greatest Crimes

The video below exposes Hillary Clinton's greatest crimes:  First, lying to the families of those killed by her incompetence in Benghazi, and second, jailing a filmmaker in violation of the Constitution to cover-up the lies.  I challenge anyone who watches this video to explain how Donald Trump's transgressions amount to anything close.

But, we've been told that the election is over, voters have made-up their minds, and Hillary Clinton will be the next President.  One reason this may be true is that the media is protecting their candidate at all costs.  Take some of the most damaging clips in this video;  many of them are no-longer available on the original network sites.  It's like they've been wiped clean with BleachBit.  In some cases, I had to rely on clips recorded by third-parties to complete this video.

So you can forget about the media reporting any negative news about Hillary Clinton for the next three weeks.  It's just not going to happen.  That means it's up to you.  The only way a video like this will enter the national conscience is if you make it viral.  Spread it. Share it.  Embed it.  Email it.

Here is the YouTube link:    

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Memory Hole - 9/11 Edition

Today, being the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, I'd like to remind folks that the 9/11 attack was conceived, planned, funded, staffed, trained, and scheduled, during the last Clinton administration. Osama bin Laden was well known to the Clintons, al Qaeda had declared war on the U.S., they had attacked the U.S., and there were multiple foregone opportunities to take them out.  The jihad had already tried once to bring down the World Trade Center towers during the Clinton administration in 1993.

That's the kind of excellent vision and competence we would be getting with a new Clinton administration.

So could Donald Trump be any better?  Here's what he said almost two years before 9/11:
“I really am convinced we’re in danger of the sort of terrorist attacks that will make the bombing of the Trade Center look like kids playing with firecrackers,” wrote Trump in his 2000 book, The America We Deserve. “No sensible analyst rejects this possibility, and plenty of them, like me, are not wondering if but when it will happen.” 
Trump even mentions Osama bin Laden by name, in a criticism of an American foreign policy that too quickly jumps from one crisis to the next. 
“One day we’re told that a shadowy figure with no fixed address named Osama bin-Laden is public enemy number one, and U.S. jetfighters lay waste to his camp in Afghanistan,” The Donald wrote. “He escapes back under some rock, and a few news cycles later it’s on to a new enemy and new crisis.”  
           Source: Buzzfeed

Also remember, the Obama/Clinton team, despite their claims, had nothing to do with getting bin Laden. This is like the rooster claiming responsibility for the sunrise.  Obama and Hillary opposed every single policy set in motion by the George W. Bush administration that actually led to the successful raid on bin Laden's compound in Afghanistan.

As I've stated many times before, my Labradoodle had more to do with getting bin Laden than Barack Hussein Obama, peace be upon him, or Hillary Rodham Clinton:


Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The First Stage of Grief

(As posted on Facebook) 

Wow.  My timeline is really angry about what happened in Orlando. And there’s a lot to be angry about - senseless murders, families suffering, horrible maiming, and the loss of a sense of security in a sacred place like the home of Disney World. 

Now we are going through the inevitable stages of grief.  You know them by now: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance.  The dominant emotion I’ve been seeing since the moment the attack occurred is anger.  Anger at the gun used, anger at the second amendment, and anger at the NRA.  But this anger emerged immediately after the attack.  You skipped denial entirely!  Could it be that this anger is actually denial masquerading as anger?

I think so.  Leon Trotsky said, “You may not be interested in war, but war may be interested in you.”  That’s a pretty darn harsh reality – too harsh to even face.  So naturally denial kicks in. 

9/11 was a big wake-up call.  Of course there were others before that, but we kept hitting the snooze button.  After 9/11 though, there was no denying we had a problem.  So we got busy.  The new president came up with a doctrine to counter the jihad. We fought back, we fought hard, and we had a global strategy.   Along with the obvious military, intelligence, and diplomatic efforts, there was a serious and covert operation called The Global War on Terror. This was not an easy task.  Regardless of what you ultimately thought of him, Bush was a leader who took the effort seriously and kept us safe for seven years.  The jihad went into retreat.  It dispersed.  The hotbeds of the jihad movement became, relatively speaking, stabilized.

But it didn’t always go as planned.  Wars never do.  Communication was weak.  Political critics saw an opening.  Our unity crumbled.  And we slipped back into denial.  Enter Barack Obama. 

Candidate Obama promised to end the Global War on Terror.  He was not interested in that war regardless of whether or not it was interested in him.  Sure, he would continue pinprick bombings and assassinations when the opportunity arose, but commanding a global war?  No way.  In fact, he took the opposite view.  The jihad wanted safe havens – he gave them safe havens in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and others.  They wanted no surveillance – wish granted.  They wanted a nuclear and missile program in Iran - he gave them that plus $150 billion dollars to fund it.  The Muslim Brotherhood wanted Egypt and Turkey – he supported them.  The jihad wanted hijrah (a demographic invasion) into Europe and the US - he supported it.  They wanted access to the highest echelons of U.S. government - he invited them in.  They wanted all references to Islam removed from government security training manuals - he did it.  They wanted NASA devoted to Muslim outreach - he gave it to them.  (Do you think that last one looks crazy? Here's Obama's NASA administrator proudly declaring NASA's foremost mission is outreach to Muslims.)      

The jihad wanted a complete end to the war against it, and Obama supported that goal.  The military ceased combat operations, then withdrew completely.  Hardcore GITMO terrorists were released.  No new captures were allowed.  No further interrogations were permitted.  No new human intelligence was gathered.  Even Voice of America was neutered so we had no way to counter the jihad over the airwaves or Internet.   

For his support, Obama got a peace prize.  He bought a selfie stick, a set of golf clubs, and took a seven year victory lap.  Most of you applauded the performance.  You were in denial.

But the wake-up calls kept coming.  And you kept hitting the snooze button.  Nadal Hassan?  Workplace violence - snooze.  Benghazi?  A video - snooze.  Boston? Homegrown – snooze.  San Bernardino?  Lone wolfs - snooze.  Charlie Hebdo?  Send James Taylor - snooze.  Paris (with some of the strictest gun laws on the planet)?  Change Facebook picture - snooze.  ISIS?  JV Team - Snooze.  Human disaster in Syria?  Give it to Putin - snooze.  Russian jetliner bombed out of the sky?  Look, Kardashians! – snooze.  ISIS takes western Iraq?  Not going back - snooze.  Boko Haram?  A hashtag will do - snooze.  Brussels?  Where’s Brussels? – snooze.  Another attack in Israel?  Only Jews – snooze.  Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Nusra, etc?  Too complicated – snooze.  Taliban back in Afghanistan? – Wow, look at my 401K! – snooze.  Iran wants nukes?  Ben Rhodes says it’s cool  – snooze.

How many of these would have been prevented if the second amendment were completely repealed?  None.  What if it never existed?  Not a single one.  There were no guns on 9/11.  Even in San Bernardino, where they illegally used guns, they had bombs too.  The jihadi in Orlando was reportedly a gun licensed government contractor. 

That’s not to say a second amendment debate is not worth having.  We’ve been debating it since before it was adopted, and we will continue.  But in the context of the jihad, the second amendment is not only irrelevant, it protects us!  Israel is the country most threatened by jihad and they protect themselves pretty darn effectively with, among other things,…guns.  But you are in denial.  

Jihad blood is now flowing in the streets near Disney World and you can’t just snooze this one away.  This is real.  Large numbers of Americans are dead.  This is not some unpronounceable distant land most Americans can’t find on a map.  This is Disney World, man.  Every American has either been there, or wants to go there. 

And somewhere deep in your heart, or deep in your subconscious, you know why this happened.  And you know you were complicit on some level.  You hit the snooze button.  You were in denial.  You supported Barack Obama and his disastrous jihad policy. 

Of course you never wanted to hurt anyone!  You wanted peace! That’s always how it goes with appeasers.  But your denial has cost lives and left a vacuum.  The world is a mess.  The jihad is on the march.  Europe is gone.  The Mideast, save Israel, is gone.  Turkey is gone.  Libya is gone.  Afghanistan is gone.  And we may be gone.  But the truth of all that is too painful right now in the face of all those bloody bodies in Orlando. 

So you are lashing out angrily at guns, the second amendment, the NRA.  Things that will have no effect on stopping the jihad - the war you are not interested in, but is very interested in you.  Sorry, you are in denial.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Could Orlando have been prevented? II

And if your response is something like, "It's all about guns and Obama HAS been laser focused on gun."  I've got one word for you: Paris, where they have some of the strictest gun laws in the world.  

This particular islamic jihadist was licensed, not just to own guns, but to use them as a government contractor for Obama's DHS (Department of Homeland Security).  That, despite twice being investigated by Obama's FBI as a possible terrorist.   Obama's government knew he was a terror threat and still allowed him to own guns and work as a DHS contractor.  Let that sink in. 

Here's the deal:  The Holocaust was not due to gas chambers and boxcars. 9/11 was not due to box cutters and jet fuel. The Murrow Bldg. was not due to fertilizer and Ryder trucks. And Orlando was not due to an AR-15. In a world of absolute moral equivalence and political correctness it is forbidden, in an Orwellian sense, to judge because to judge is to discriminate and to discriminate is wrong. Thus we cannot see politically protected ideologies as a source of evil, and so must focus on objects and material things.  It's not the ideology you see, it's the tool used.  This is delusional and suicidal.

The salafist islamic jihad ideology is the problem and Obama is either oblivious or sympathetic.  As Leon Trotsky said, "You may not be interested in war, but war may be interested in you." Eight years of cooperation with this ideology will have to be reckoned with at some point.